- Donation Letter
A donor submits a written offer explaining the contribution, its value, any cost to the Army and the complete details of any conditions associated with the contribution. This offer is submitted to the MWR's Gifts and Donations Coordinator. If the donor has any questions or needs assistance with identifying the applicable installation or organization, please contact the Ansbach MWR Gifts and Donations Coordinator at DSN 467-3980 or CIV 09802-83-3980.
Click here for a sample donation letter.
- Frequently Asked Questions
1. I want to donate to a particular activity within Family and MWR (examples: single Soldiers at BOSS, bowling, Child and Youth Services, etc.). How do I do that?
If you are donating to any Family and MWR program or activity, you are donating to Family and MWR first and the condition of your donation is that it goes toward a particular activity. Just specify the activity in the "condition" portion of your donation letter (see details above).2. How can I make a monetary donation to Ansbach Family and MWR?
Click on Donate to MWR online3. How long does this take?
The time frame will vary. In most cases, donations must be processed and then run through our legal department prior to acceptance being granted. This process can take a minimum of two weeks, so please be patient.4. I want to donate, but I still have questions. Who do I contact?
Thank you for considering us! Contact the Gifts and Donations Coordinator at DSN 467-3980 or CIV 09802-83-3980.
Thank you for considering a donation to USAG Ansbach MWR!
It is not our policy to solicit charitable contributions for our MWR events and programs. However, we are often approached by individuals and groups, who wish to provide some form of monetary support and/or gifts.
Gifts and donations can be used in a variety of ways to enhance the quality of life for the Ansbach community.
Below, we have listed some information on how to get started with your donation.
Please note that this web page is in no way a solicitation of a donation.
This page is intended to aid those who wish to donate in completing the process.
Find more details in the U.S. Army Regulation 1-100 on the Army Gift Program.